Select Your Size Pad
With our 30 day Money Back Guarantee, you can't go wrong!
  • Product 1

    Single Pad

    • Just enough for your first Pad
      FREE domain - 1st year for new service and 12 month or more commitment
      1 domain
      10 email accounts
      3 mailing lists
      2 FTP account
      3 SQL databases
      10GB disk space
      8GB monthly bandwidth

      Options to upgrade any of the above on request.
    Order Now
  • Product 2

    Family Pad

    • More room for a growing webhost family in this pad
      FREE domain - 1st year for new service and 12 month or more commitment
      6 domains
      100 email accounts
      15 mailing lists
      5 FTP account
      25 SQL databases
      10GB disk space
      24GB monthly bandwidth

      Options to upgrade any of the above on request.
    Order Now
Included With Every Plan
  • Feature 1
  • Feature 2